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5 features that every school management software must have

<p>Managing a School is very important for every School. Every School’s Management Committee is always engaged in several activities to efficiently manage all the school functions and provide better education to the students.</p> <p> </p> <p>However, managing a school is not an easy task in this fast era. There are multiple facilities which are to be provided by every school to their students and their respective parents to keep up with the competition. To execute all this, there is a need for a strong and error-free School Management Software to make the tasks easy for the management committee.</p> <p> </p> <p>Our <a href="https://www.triguninfotech.com/school-management-system" target="_blank">School Management Software</a> includes a variety of features that improve the overall administration of school. To explain the importance of a school management software, let us go through the below characteristics of a good school management system:</p> <p><br /> <strong>1. Students Database</strong></p> <p>There is a lot of information about every single student who is studying in school. Ranging from General details like Name, Age, Date of birth, Contact Number, Parent details and school-related information like Performance and Attendance, all these details are available with a touch of your finger. The School Management Software makes it easy for the teachers and parents to view the details easily. Just enter the GR number of the student, and the software will provide you all the details of that student.</p> <p><strong>2. Accessibility to Parents</strong></p> <p>In this busy life, it is very difficult for the parents to keep in touch with the school authorities to attend the school meetings, know about their student’s academic results. This software makes it easy for the parents to be in touch with the teachers and keep connected to all the things going in the school.</p> <p><strong>3. Communication Features (Voice Messaging, E-mail, Chats, etc)</strong></p> <p>Every student’s progress depends upon the communication among the teachers, students, and parents. Effective communication is what a school management system must provide to the parents so that they can get every single detail related to their son or daughter.</p> <p>Our Software provides the functionality of sending text, voice messages and<br /> e-mails to a predefined set of parents. This feature thus reduces the time invested by the school staff in making phone calls or sending messages to the parents.<br />  </p> <p><strong>4. Fee Tracking and Online Payment</strong></p> <p>School Fees and billing procedures are one of the tedious processes every school accounts department goes through. It is very important to handover the fee receipt to the right student with correct details. The school management software makes this process easy, in addition to this, the software also has the feature of online billing and payment which also sends the receipts to the parents automatically. This makes the whole process of fee payment hassle-free at both the ends.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>5. Easy Admission Process</strong></p> <p>The admission process is a very hectic process as it needs to be executed at a fast pace without any errors. With the help of a school management software, the need for maintaining a file for each student is solved. All information can be extracted from the software whenever required by the school authority. This makes the admission and maintaining the student details error-free and very easy.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

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