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COVID-19: The Maharashtra government has imposed a weekend curfew and a night curfew

COVID-19: The Maharashtra government has imposed a weekend curfew and a night curfew.

A night curfew will be in effect throughout the state beginning April 5, 2021, from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. During the day, the state government has enacted Section 144, which prohibits gatherings of more than five persons.

Following a rise in COVID-19 cases in the state, the Maharashtra government has declared tougher rules that will take effect on April 5, 2021, to break the infection chain.

The state has been under a night curfew from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. since April 5. During the day, the state government has enacted Section 144, which prohibits gatherings of more than five persons.

According to official notifications, the new rules will be in effect until April 30, 2021, since the number of new COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra has surpassed 57,000.

Maharashtra's new guidelines are as follows:

• No one will be permitted in public places in Maharashtra on the weekend unless they have a legitimate excuse.

• All private offices will be required to operate from home, while government agencies, financial and banking industries will be required to maintain a 50% staffing level.

• The health department will operate at maximum capacity, and visits to government buildings will be limited.

• All religious establishments, theme parks, parlors, saloons, indoor gaming centers, and gyms will be closed.

• All artistic, political, and social events will be prohibited, and theatres and cinemas will be closed.

• In the state, housing societies with more than five active cases will be designated containment areas, and any breach of the rules will result in a fine of Rs. 10,000.

• Wedding receptions will be limited to 50 guests, while funerals will be limited to 20 people.

• Filming for television and movies will begin. However, the production houses would need to take sufficient precautions and vaccinations for their employees.

Essential Services will be sustained:

Home delivery will be allowed, and critical services will be unaffected. On weekends, all will be closed except for critical services.

The state government has made it mandatory for employees of critical goods shops and utilities and shopkeepers to complete the COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible. They must also ensure that the COVID laws are adhered to by both themselves and their customers.

Only takeaways are permitted in restaurants, malls, and bars:

As the state government announced new regulations to combat COVID-19 outbreaks by enforcing weekend lockdowns and night curfews, it also announced that restaurants, malls, and bars in Maharashtra would only be permitted to serve parcels and takeaways.

Restaurant owners have reported that the move would have a detrimental impact on the industry, which has already seen a significant decline in 2020.

There are no limits on construction and industrial operations:

Construction and manufacturing operations have been left unchecked to keep the economy afloat. Agriculture, farm commodities, and food grain transportation will all continue as normal.


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